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Friday, March 11, 2011

Onion torte

Of course, I selected this recipe with the objective of using some of the onions in the house. Another valid reason is that it is delicious! And easy.

I am adapting this recipe, but I changed it so much it only vaguely resembles the original.

First, thinly slice two onions. I used white onions, because that is what I had on hand. You can use virtually any kind you want. They all cook up nicely and caramelize into a sweet, soft, yummy mess.

Next, heat a little oil over medium heat, and saute the onions, stirring often. You will need to cook them.

And cook them.

And cook them, until they are a nice golden brown color. No matter what color they started, this is the color they will end up.

Stir in salt and pepper to taste.

At this point, you can wait as long as you want, before moving on. This is helpful if you don't want the house to smell so oniony when your guests arrive. Cook the onions in the morning, and assemble and bake right before your party!

Next, thaw a sheet of puff pastry. This will need to thaw about half an hour on the kitchen counter. Brush water on the edges, and fold all four sides in, to create a little crust around the edges.

Spread your onions across the pastry, and cover it all with about a cup and half of grated mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle black pepper to taste over it all. I personally like a pretty good amount of pepper. It balances nicely and adds some interest to the sweet onions.

Bake it all at 400 degrees, for 20 minutes. The pastry and the cheese will turn golden brown and it will all puff up impressively.

Cool it on a wire rack for a few minutes, cut into squares, and serve! It is good warm or cold.