New Here? Read The Story behind the Box

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Well, we had leftover night last night, so now my fridge looks like this:

Oops! It's the same old fridge!

That's because just when I was going to start dishing out old food, some friends came by and asked if we wanted to join them at a restaurant. And so, these leftovers had a stay of execution for one more day.

Never mind that fact that we spent the whole week's food budget on one meal, it was very nice to enjoy an evening out!

And here is the kicker... remember my son? the one who can't eat a new vegetable? the one who gets so worked up he chokes and gags? He sat there, and without anyone asking him, tried edamame for the first time, and ended up eating almost an entire bowl.  Next time we have a war at the dinner table, I will introduce that seven-year-old to this seven-year-old.  Hopefully they will find something in common.

Tonight, this family is eating leftovers. And this time, I mean it.

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