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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hurrah for the white, white and green

Whew. After a crazy week, was I ever happy to get back into the kitchen. Of course, I really didn't stay out of the kitchen last week... the four people I live with have this crazy habit of eating. Which means that I made sure to put food on plates all week. And of course, wash the plates. But I can't really claim to have cooked much.

But as of this weekend, I am thrilled to be back to cooking! It is so nice to stand at the stove and at the counter, chopping and stirring, tasting and adjusting; making fresh, tasty ingredients into something I can offer the people I love.

The box of veggies produce from AH Organics this week is absolutely divine. I am very used to referring to it as our veggie box, but it had to have been at least half fruit this time around. Peaches, nectarines, apricots, cherries, strawberries. I am in fresh heaven.

Here's the funny thing, though.... As our kitchen filled up with potatoes all winter long, I started to cook some just to save for later. I am starting to wonder, though, if later is ever going to come. I think we have gotten potatoes in almost every single box we have received in the 6 months we have been subscribers. Don't potatoes have a season? Will they ever stop being ready to harvest? No wonder Ireland managed to feed an entire country on the suckers. They are like magic. I can see why Jesus turned a few loaves and fish into food for the masses. No one would have been impressed if he multiplied potatoes.

Since there were indeed more potatoes in the box this week, again I have a potato challenge. Of course, Memorial Day is the day on which our nation not only remembers to switch over to white shoes, but also celebrates heroic feats of barbecuing, is it not? Like most of America, we were invited to a block party. Hello, potato salad!

I went for a version of a red, white, and blue potato salad that I had the pleasure of eating recently at a friend's house. However, I didn't use red potatoes or blue cheese... and I don't even know what the white is supposed to be. I made up the recipe as I went along, and I think the results came out great. I suppose the empty bowl means that most of the neighbors did too.

White, White, and Green Potato Salad
This salad tastes even better the second day, so make it ahead if you can.

4-5 potatoes, peeled and diced
2 medium zucchini, sliced into thin quarter-circles
a few green onions, thinly sliced
1/2 cup chopped fresh dill
1/2 cup mayo
1 cup plain Greek yogurt
2 tsp. lemon juice
salt and pepper to taste
3/4 cup feta cheese

Put the potatoes in a pot with enough water to cover. Place over high heat and boil for about 7-10 minutes, until they are starting to soften. Meanwhile, chop the onions, zucchini, and dill. Mix together the vegetables and the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl. When the potatoes are done cooking, drain them and fold into the vegetable mixture. Let it all cool before serving.

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