New Here? Read The Story behind the Box

Thursday, December 8, 2011

"Twas the night of the popcorn

Twas the month before Christmas,
On a Saturday Morn, 
When the boxes of produce
Brought small cobs of corn.

This wasn't for chomping 
 either boiled or grilled.
This corn needed to be popped
Before the kids would be thrilled.

It's not a tough thing
To get the corn ready to eat
Just in a bag in the micro,
Three minutes to a wonderful treat!

It comes out nice and fluffy
Cooked with nothing but air.
Eat it straight from the cob,
Or add salt and butter if you dare.

An even better idea
To make the holidays gay
Is to leave it all plain
And set out for a day.

Once it gets nice and stale
Fingers both large and small
Can take a needle and thread
And string it up all.

This task takes some patience,
And some time in a seat.
Start with small lengths,
It will stay nice and neat.

Anyone can string it,
It's certainly true.
But the boys in this house
Had more... active things to do.

As each section is finished,
Lay it out nice and straight.
Add pieces end-to-end,
The more popcorn, the more great!

Keep adding on lengths
of the white puffy treat.
The garland can only grow nicer...
With each addition it's more neat!

Keep adding and adding
Until you can't anymore.
The cobs will provide plenty,
But your fingers may grow sore!

It's only done when you quit.
You can choose one string or eight.
But heed this small warning:
Keep it untangled and straight!

When you're all out of corn,
Or the helpers to string it,
Or space on your table, 
To the tree you should bring it!

Wrap it around and around
The old tanenbaum tonight.
Your ornaments can only look better
With this garland so white.

Enjoy this little bit
Of an old Christmas tradition
And admire your tree
In it's newest rendition.

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