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Friday, February 10, 2012

Brussels Sprouts Salad

Oh my. I was just looking over my (very few) posts from the last month... and I realize they aren't exactly what we might call "health food." Muffins, squash bread, bean dip, and cake bars are hardly healthy options.

I was about to tell you about the most heavenly pumpkin brown butter muffins that I made last week, but I feel compelled to interrupt my baking frenzy to bring you a salad. But, I promise you, this is every bit as delicious as muffins. Just not sweet, comforting relaxing delicious. More like tangy, flavorful, interesting delicious.

I was so happy to get brussels sprouts in my AHO box this week. As of this time last year, I had never eaten a brussels sprout in my life, convinced as I was that they would be yucky. As of now, though, I am listing them as right up there among my favorite veggies.

However, it never occurred to me that I could eat them raw. Most recipes I could find were for roasted, caramelized, sautéed, or even grilled. But when I stumbled on this recipe for a raw salad, I thought. Well, duh. They're like cute little adorable mini cabbages. And cabbage makes an awesome salad. So...

And as it turns out, brussels sprouts make an awesome salad as well.

With the aid of a food processor, all the parts of this salad couldn't be easier to prep. First I put the chopping blade in and pulsed the pecans a couple of times. Then that blade came out, and the shredding blade went in. I quickly shredded the cheese, and then turned the blade over to slicing. I threw the brussels sprouts in, and because they are so little and leafy, they came out shredded nicely. Just shake together the dressing ingredients, and voila!

This recipe originally came from Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef, but I changed the dressing quite a bit, so I'll give you my version:

Brussels Sprouts Salad

15-20 brussels sprouts, tough little stems completely removed
1/2 pound gruyere cheese
3/4 cup pecans

1/3 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
1 teaspoon honey

In a food processor (or by hand), chop the pecans with the chopping blade. Then switch to the grating blade and shred the cheese. Turn the blade over to slicing, and shred the brussels sprouts. Toss these three ingredients together.

In a small jar, combine the oil, vinegar, mustard, and honey. Shake well. Toss the dressing with the salad and serve.

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