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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Forget a silver lining, I want a salted rim.

I'm thinking of turning this blog into an advice column. Not one where people can come to get advice, mind you. One where I wonder what the heck to do with different vegetables, and you give me advice. That would be a nice service for me to provide, don't you think?

I jest, of course.

I'll figure out what to do with this stuff.

Like these green leaves:

April Fools! They're really red leaves, turned over.

More specifically, by process of elimination, I have gathered that they are mustard greens. Which I suppose I will be... all together now... sautéing in olive oil.  sigh.

I am pretty sure the good folks at AHOrganics are trying to pull one over on me with this stuff:

They think they can give me their grass clippings and watch me suffer as I figure out how to convince my kids to eat grass!  Okay, I believe this is "garlic chives." I take it that means it's a cross between garlic and a chive? Both of those are good, so maybe that will be a fun one to try after all.

And then there is this:

Fennel. I have only cooked with fennel once before, and the soup I made that time didn't seem to have any fennel flavor to it at all. It should prove interesting to try this one too!

I apologize for how negative I sound! I think I am overwhelmed by all these new things this week. There are plenty of old favorites too... carrots, potatoes, spinach, broccoli, lemons, oranges. 

There is also some very very good news this week! 

Lettuce! I am so happy!! I love salads, and truth be told, I was ready for a break from spinach salads.


More asparagus! And it is just the way I like it... nice and skinny and tender. Yay!

Also, and this is my very favorite thing of them all so far...

These beautiful avocados need to ripen for a few days, but I am so excited! I love love love avocados. There are four of these beauties, and I just can't wait to make some guacamole.

Who's coming over for a margarita?

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