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Monday, April 4, 2011

Like a lizard, I need to warm my blood in the warm sun

I apologize in advance to anyone who is reading this in a place where there is snow on the ground. Or anyplace where the mercury is dipping below 75f, for that matter.

Here in Southern California, it feels like summer.

The temperature is in the 70s and 80s, and my kids are out on spring break. We spent the last few days going on bike rides, playing at the beach, playing baseball, and wading in a creek. The kids have had an amazing chance to relax and be kids, and I have had a chance to relax and enjoy them being kids.

Something about summer makes me do everything a little slower. There is no need to rush through the day, to worry so much about what comes next, or to feel a need to do do do. We sleep in, laze in our pajamas, and have coffee on the patio.

Meals around here have taken on the same lazy, relaxed feel. I haven't planned a ton, consulted recipes, or stressed about measurements.

The grill has been our friend, and we are taking the time to enjoy our fresh fruits and veggies, without trying to convert them into complicated meals.

Last night we grilled hamburgers and asparagus, and ate them along with some sweet potato fries I froze back when the sweet potatoes were coming at us faster than big league pitching.

The night before, I grilled chicken breasts alongside broccoli, carrots, and onions. These fresh veggies are so flavorful that I don't need to do much to enhance the meals... just toss with oil, and grill until tender.

Of course, I couldn't completely stay out of the kitchen. I took the extra time saved on preparing dinner, to make a big pot of Italian potato soup, and a batch of lemon curd. I'll let you know all about those...

after the sun goes down. For now, I'm heading out to play!

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