New Here? Read The Story behind the Box

Saturday, March 12, 2011

This week's box

I got my box this morning, and it was sure a welcome sight. After a couple of days of eating primarily out of cans and boxes, it is nice to see food that doesn't come with labels or marketing. It is nice to see the food itself, not a picture of the food as it is displayed in a "serving suggestion."

I got some of the old stand-by veggies and fruits:



loads of spinach
Some of it never even made it into the fridge. I had a yummy salad for lunch.

(What ever am I going to do with these?)

and enough oranges to keep the British army from getting scurvy.

I also got some new items that I am very happy to see!

which I will use up right away either flavoring the other stuff, or just enjoying a glass of lemonade in all the sunshine we have been getting lately.

Yum! One of my favorites. I can't wait to fire up the grill!

This will be great fresh, and will dry nicely to last... forever, I guess!

 As far as I can tell, I can use these almost as a direct substitute for onions... and I have used them in a few Thai recipes. Yum!

And then.

We aren't done unpacking yet. There are a couple more items.

There is this one, for example.

I have no idea what to do with this stuff.

And then there is this... this...

this other green stuff. I get a list of the contents of my box each week, and this must be the pea tendrils. I am guess because of these cute little curly cues:

And finally, there was this stuff:

By process of elimination, it must be sorrel. What? Sorrel?

Has anyone ever heard of sorrel? Is it an herb? A vegetable? (and while we are on the topic, what is the difference, exactly, between an herb and a vegetable? The amount you use of it?)

I am not exactly sure what I am going to do with this here sorrel, but I am sure it will be an adventure. As will the cooking of the chard and the pea tendrils.

Wish me luck!